Every year, alum Jeremy Rehwaldt — who just participated on LVC’s July program day panel on the Volunteer transition out of the year of service — asks his students at Midland University in Fremont, NE, what it takes to lead a contented and meaningful life. Every year he hears the same responses, yet often the way we spend our time and money don’t support those goals. Why?
They mention strong family, meaningful work, close friendships, relationship with God, and a sense that they are contributing to the world.
He considers how we don’t pay good attention to how we spend or what we support, not seeing or responding to social sins. Jeremy’s response: God’s grace doesn’t require us to be perfect, but gives us courage to do better every day.

Jeremy recalls his days at LVC, serving in inner-city Minneapolis and living with five other Volunteers serving other nonprofits to address the needs of others. Some thought the modest stipend was a sacrifice, though they discovered a way to experience God’s grace, finding fewer material things were more than enough for what makes for a contented and meaningful life — strong family, meaningful work, close friendships, relationships with God, and a sense of contributing to the world.
Jeremy suggests that sometimes we need to be reminded of what’s important, and dare to live our our core values.
