Placement Positions

More about these examples of LVC positions
Each year, Lutheran Volunteer Corps matches approximately 50 full time Volunteers with social justice non-profit organizations in our program cities across the U.S. The directory below provides a SAMPLE list of placement positions for the 2017-18 and 2018-19 program years.  About 80% of LVC partner organizations re-apply each year; and in addition, we will have new positions that are not yet on the list.

LVC Applicants get to see the list of available positions as part of the application and matching process, including more in depth position descriptions.

To have the widest choice of positions, apply by our Round 1 January 15th deadline. There are significantly fewer positions available for the Round 2 April 1st deadline.

Position Type & Concern Area(s)
Organization Description
La Clínica del Pueblo was founded in 1983 in response to the emergent health needs of the Central American immigrant population displaced by civil wars. Today, La Clínica serves Latino men, women and children from all corners of the Greater DC Metro Area with linguistically and culturally appropriate health and education services including: primary care, mental health and substance abuse services, HIV/AIDS care, interpreter services, and health education and outreach. La Clínica serves clients at its two sites: a primary care facility and a non-medical site serving the health and health education needs of Latino youth, both located in the heart of the District of Columbia. La Clínica was incorporated as a separate non-profit 501(c)(3) agency in 1995 and was awarded Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) status in 2007 by the US Department of Health and Human Services. All direct service staff are bilingual, and most are first-generation Latino immigrants, dedicated to La Clinica's mission “to build a healthy Latino community through culturally appropriate health services, focusing on those most in need.”
Position Description

Volunteers have played an instrumental role in the shaping and growth of La Clinica from its inception. Today, volunteers fill important roles to aid programs and services, lighten administrative tasks, provide hands for beautification days, and everything that falls between. The Volunteer Coordinator position will be filled by a volunteer corp member who can help explore and implement new volunteer opportunities that align with La Clinica’s strategic directions and programmatic priorities.

Additionally, the Volunteer Coordinator will work closely with the Development team to develop and implement volunteer opportunities, points-of-entry, and events that foster long-term organizational sustainability. This position includes diverse responsibilities and tasks including researching new opportunities, volunteer engagement, strategic recruitment of different volunteer types, and tracking and evaluating volunteer program goals.

Primary Responsibilities:

- Research and evaluate possible volunteer opportunities that could help advance La Clinica’s needs most effectively (competitive internships; patient support; service teams, advocacy, etc)
- Help to develop communications and strategy targeted at informing and engaging larger volunteer community
- Re-connect and engage LCDP founding volunteers channeling into new ways they can continue to advance LCDP’s efforts
- Engage in community outreach and recruitment of prospective volunteers and individual supporters
- Support developing tracking tools to monitor and evaluate effectiveness of LCDP’s volunteer placements
- Develop template to communicate impact of volunteers
- Write and disseminate internal monthly volunteer e-bulletin.
- Sit on internal event planning committees

Position Tags
LVC City
Washington DC

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