

Your invitation to become a donor

LVC has so many supporters that consider LVC their charity of choice. Now’s the opportunity for alumni and friends who have never donated, or have lapsed in support, to start or renew. New donors can be part of the “ten-mo” campaign, donating $10 per month all year round. JOIN US!

LVC is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Gifts to LVC are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. LVC is an excellent steward of your dollars—over 80% of our spending goes directly to support and programs. 

Your Name on our Program

Your name can be permanently attached to a major component of the LVC experience, such as “The Jane Doe Retreat.”  Examples of naming opportunities include:

  • Program Days
  • Board of Directors planning summits
  • Equity Fund for emergencies and financial assistance
  • Scholarships for placement fees
  • Real estate for housing in program cities (Washington DC, Baltimore MD, Twin Cities MN)

Donate Online

You can donate online right now by donating HERE.  To be a sustaining supporter of LVC, please consider setting up automatic, monthly donations.

Donate By Mail

If you prefer to remit your donation by mail, please make your check payable to Lutheran Volunteer Corps and send it to:

Lutheran Volunteer Corps
1226 Vermont Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20005

Donate Stock

Stock donations are not difficult! Contact your broker to request your stock asset transfer, and notify LVC that you are initiating the donation.

  1. Stock donations are initiated by you.  LVC can not request that your broker or institution make the transfer, nor can we fill out the form for your request.  Ask your broker for a “transfer of stock assets” form.
  2. Complete your broker’s form, and submit it to your broker to transfer your (stock) asset to LVC.  For the form, you’ll need LVC’s bank’s DTC code (0226); and you’ll need to contact LVC for our bank account number.
  3. When your institution transfers the stock, the stock will show up on LVC’s broker’s statement, without the donor’s name attached. We’ll need a copy of your broker’s statement to confirm that the stock donation we received is from you/the donor.
  4. Expect a few communications with LVC to confirm each step is complete.
  5. You will receive an end-of-year acknowledgment letter for your donation (typically in February of the next year), just like you would for cash donations.

For Thrivent Members

Members of Thivent Financial for Lutherans have several options to give their financial support to LVC.

Thrivent Choice Dollars

Thrivent Choice Dollars can be designated to LVC.  Thrivent recently changed the way Choice Dollars are distributed. Instead of automatically going to a designated organization, members must now designate their Choice Dollars on a monthly basis. Choice Dollars can be designated online or by phone

  1. Visit and login to your account.
  2. Click on “Direct Choice Dollars” in the ThriventChoice box on your MyThrivent page.
  3. Search the catalog of organizations to find Lutheran Volunteer Corps.
  4. Click on “Direct Choice Dollars Now” to direct your  Choice Dollars to benefit LVC.
By Phone
  1. Call 1-800-847-4836 and when prompted, say “Thrivent Choice.”
  2. When prompted, say “Choice Dollars.”
  3. Say or enter your Social Security number.
  4. Press 1 to direct Choice Dollars or press 2 to hear the Thrivent Choice program terms and conditions.
  5. A representative will then work with you to direct Choice Dollars.

For more information, please visit Thrivent’s Thrivent Choice main page.

Find your favorite way to support LVC this year!