SPOTLIGHT: Haven Davis, Alumna ’10-’11

Q: What’s your LVC story?A: I volunteered in 2010-11 in Milwaukee, WI, and have been a volunteer interviewer since then.
Q: What are the top 3 ways LVC changed or impacted your life? A: The program showed me ways to have healthy intentional community after college, gave me the experience I needed to start my career as an educator, helped me to define my own values and develop the skills to successfully live out those values, and gave me life-long friends.
Q: Why do you support LVC? A: I support LVC because I hope current volunteers can get as much out of the program as I did. It was truly a life changing experience.
Q: What do you want to leave in the 40th Anniversary time capsule? A: I would put in a picture of me and one of my former housemates at the wedding of two of our other housemates, two folks who just had their first baby! (Congrats!!)
Q: What are you doing now and how is it related to your LVC experience? A: I am working as a sexuality educator at a teen health clinic. While it is slightly a different education field than the kind of teaching I was doing in LVC, my work in Milwaukee helped lay the foundation for my career as an education professional.