Placement Positions

More about these examples of LVC positions
Each year, Lutheran Volunteer Corps matches approximately 50 full time Volunteers with social justice non-profit organizations in our program cities across the U.S. The directory below provides a SAMPLE list of placement positions for the 2017-18 and 2018-19 program years.  About 80% of LVC partner organizations re-apply each year; and in addition, we will have new positions that are not yet on the list.

LVC Applicants get to see the list of available positions as part of the application and matching process, including more in depth position descriptions.

To have the widest choice of positions, apply by our Round 1 January 15th deadline. There are significantly fewer positions available for the Round 2 April 1st deadline.

Position Type & Concern Area(s)
Organization Description
Our Saviour's Community Services was created in 2004 to provide oversight of 2 programs begun more than 30 years ago by Our Saviour's Lutheran Church. We are now an independently incorporated non-profit with 501(3)(C) status granted by the IRS. Our work consists of the English Learning Center program, and Our Saviour's Housing program. Our mission is Increasing Skills, Improving Lives.
Position Description

The PM Program Assistant plays a vital role in the success of adult learners at the English Learning Center (ELC). Her/his focus is student support. S/he is charged with both meeting the daily needs of students, while also trying to improve their experience at the school. This position is the first stop for new students inquiring about school and for current students with a question or concern. This staff member is the coordinator of PM new student registrations. In collaboration with other staff, this person carries out student testing, provides students with feedback, analyzes individual students’ results, communicates class-wide weaknesses to teachers, and works to help boost student achievement. The PM Program Assistant also plays a key role in annual student surveys, new student orientations, substitute teaching classes, and a variety of other program and office supports. Special projects round out the Volunteer’s year, the focus of which varies depending on the current needs of the school and the interests of the Volunteer. As time permits, we will invite this staff member to create and lead justice-focused activities for both the staff and our students.

LVC City
Minneapolis MN

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