Faith in Place's mission is to empower Illinois people of all faiths to be leaders in caring for the Earth, providing resources to educate, connect, and advocate for healthier communities. The mission of Faith in Place is implemented through four program areas with faith partners: 1) energy & climate change; 2) sustainable food & land use; 3) water preservation; and, 4) advocacy. We do this program work through outreach and also by responding to requests and suggestions that come in to our office. Our Faith in Place Lutheran Volunteer interacts, often, with Faith in Place's diverse faith partners. One of the major activities is helping to set-up and manage the Winter Farmers' Markets that we sponsor. These are in all parts of the Chicago region and support local vendors who need buyers during the off season of winter. They are also intended to help fill a void in some of the food scarce areas in our urban communities. This LVC position helps schedule and arrange logistics for the markets, working with other local volunteers and Faith in Place staff. Similarly, getting ready for our Annual Advocacy Day in the spring, this LVC position helps set up the workshops which precede this advocacy day, and recruit and organize the wide variety people who will ride buses to our state capital. The Faith in Place LVC staff person works on many other programs as needed. These include energy efficiency, water preservation, general environmental education, urban agriculture, nature outings, and internal needs. There is both office work and field work involved.
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Organization Description
Faith in Place is a nonprofit with a long history of inspiring positive environmental behavior change in partnership with faith communities. Faith in Place was founded in 1999 (incorporated in 2004) in Chicago, where most our staff and the majority of our outreach continues to happen. We also have offices in Champaign, Waukegan, and Arlington Heights, IL, where local outreach staff interact with diverse houses of worship in those geographic areas. As a result, Faith in Place has partnered with houses of worship from all faiths throughout Illinois - Baha'i, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, and Zoroastrian - to educate, connect, and advocate around the teachings of faith for living out practices of better earth care. Faith in Place's mission is to empower Illinois people of all faiths to be leaders in caring for the Earth, providing resources to educate, connect, and advocate for healthier communities.
Position Description