It’s been a while since we posted an LVC update! We’ve been in the thick of Round 2 matching, and tending to our Round 3 rolling application deadline. If you know someone still figuring out their next steps – please let us know (especially if they speak Spanish!)
We want to make sure that our LVC community knows about an important conversation and movement taking place within the ELCA – the #decolonizelutheranism movement. LVC’s Journey to an Inclusive Community (JIC) aligns well with the issues raised and goals of this movement.
LVC’s JIC is an ongoing process of forming and strengthening alliances among people of many cultures and communities, and intentionally dismantling racism within LVC, the church, and society. LVC realizes that institutional racism profoundly impacts the social landscapes in which we live and work, and we are dedicated to becoming an inclusive community as an organization. We seek to dismantle institutional discrimination in all its forms, including racism, sexism, and heterosexism. LVC engages in this journey throughout the whole of our organization – Volunteers, staff, board, placement organizations and alumni.
Please check out the #decolonizelutheranism website, blog posts about what ELCA members are saying about this movement, and join the movement if you want to stay connected. We hope to see many LVC-connected folks at their fall gathering in Chicago as well (details forthcoming).