I found it extremely informative to participate in a recent alumni Zoom session where we brainstormed about ways Alumni could help shape the trajectory of LVC’s future. It was a delight to see some familiar faces as well as new ones, and I appreciated other’s insights and willingness to volunteer in post-meeting work. Writing to Deirdre afterwards, thanking her for coordinating these sessions, I realized what I could do: share the story of why as an alumna I’ve a monthly donor for many years, and how I hope others will consider joining me in this commitment.Read More →

April 2022 My name is Elizabeth Kulus and I am an LVC alum from 2020/2021. I served in Omaha, Nebraska at Hospice House as their Volunteer Coordinator. A year later, I’m now back in my hometown of West St. Paul, Minnesota and I am working at Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota as a Volunteer Facilitator for Refugee Services. I’m really thankful for my LVC year in Omaha as it gave me volunteer management experience which directly helped me get my current job. In my interview, I was able to draw from my time spent at Hospice House as well as talk about my year asRead More →

Meet Meghan Brown Saavedra Meghan recently served as Country Coordinator for Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) in Mexico, a service program of the ELCA. During her time in Mexico City, Meghan was drawn to the ELCA’s theology of mission called accompaniment as a way to be open and present to the beauty, complexity and holiness of whatever place in which we find ourselves. She now finds herself as LVC’s Program Manager of the East and Admissions! Q: Why are you excited about your new role with LVC? A: I am excited to join Lutheran Volunteer Corps because, like many times throughout history, we seem to be atRead More →

By Kayla Zopfi, Twin Cities Volunteer ‘22-’23 I had the opportunity to attend the Minneapolis Area Synod Racial Justice Summit a few weeks ago, on November 6th, through my LVC placement as the Administrative and Communications Associate with the Minneapolis Area Synod. At the summit, synod leaders in racial equity and justice initiatives came together to celebrate accomplishments and to continue growing relationships and unity so that our ever crucial anti-racism work continues to blossom. We were reminded that, as siblings in Christ, we are called to stand and act together in order to build a world for all people.  One section of the day that stuck outRead More →

Patrick and Connie Copeland-Malone (LVC ’91) shared their LVC story with us, and we’re sharing it with you below. We joined LVC in 1990 as the oldest and only one of two married couples. We served in Chicago through the Greater Chicago Food Depository (Connie) and the Chicago Coalition for the Homeless (Patrick). Our residence was Casa Esperanza along with three other wonderful roommates (Vicki, Sonvy and Lisa). We choose Chicago specifically because of its rich history in community organizing and were not disappointed as one of the nations most exciting faith-based organizing efforts occurred that year with the formation of the Christian Community DevelopmentRead More →