Humor, Uncertainty, & Hammarskjöld
Three weeks ago, I boarded an afternoon Southwest flight and moved across the country. Thankfully, this was not the first time I had done such a move, from Wisconsin to Washington DC, having interned in the District during the summer of 2017. And I was even more grateful to not be alone. Whereas my last move was solo, now I was accompanied by 16 mostly strangers, all bound for DC. I say strangers, but maybe folks-I-met-five-days-ago-and-lived-with-in-close-quarters-and-did-a-lot-of-soul-searching-orientation-work-with is the more apt term – or “FIMFDAALWICQADALOSSOWW” for short. Lutheran Volunteer Corps Orientation had challenged my comfortability in many ways – from little to no introvert time toRead More →