Maya Mineoi is an LVC Volunteer serving at New Horizons in Seattle, WA. Currently, Maya is staying busy as New Horizons plans to open a new shelter in the coming months. She shared the following reflection after reading “Shake the Dust” to her fellow Volunteers before they departed to their LVC cities after Orientation. The poem is a beautiful example of the intentional community LVC hopes Volunteers will form during their year of service and throughout their lives. Above, Maya with fellow Seattle LVC Volunteers. “Anis Mojgani’s poem Shake the Dust is powerful because as I read it, I see people from my life. PeopleRead More →

As I prepared my 1 week reminder email for LVC applicants today, I was reminded that last year at this time, I sent out a link to a conversation with 2 LVC staff & a current Volunteer, facilitated by NationSwell. NationSwell contacted us as they were holding conversations with various service year programs, and they were excited to talk with an org connecting spirituality and service. As I rewatched it, I thought “WOW – we do really awesome stuff, and it does take a community to share all that LVC is up to.”   I also appreciate how articulate I was in many of my answers!Read More →

At LVC’s August 2015 National Orientation in Chicago, Volunteers had the opportunity to hear Kim Bobo, a worker’s rights activist and founder of the Interfaith Committee on Worker Issues. Kim inspired and amused the Volunteers with “Bobo’s 10 Lessons for Making the Most of Your LVC Year.” Change history NOW. Social change historically has always been led by young people. Don’t think about work you’ll do later. Do it now. Develop a “Can Do” attitude. Having a positive, “can do” spirit is the most important characteristic of being able to change the world. Pitch in and do whatever needs doing. Build relationships across movements. Heather Booth, aRead More →