At LVC’s August 2015 National Orientation in Chicago, Volunteers had the opportunity to hear Kim Bobo, a worker’s rights activist and founder of the Interfaith Committee on Worker Issues. Kim inspired and amused the Volunteers with “Bobo’s 10 Lessons for Making the Most of Your LVC Year.” Change history NOW. Social change historically has always been led by young people. Don’t think about work you’ll do later. Do it now. Develop a “Can Do” attitude. Having a positive, “can do” spirit is the most important characteristic of being able to change the world. Pitch in and do whatever needs doing. Build relationships across movements. Heather Booth, aRead More →

This poem by Madeleine L’Engle speaks deeply to living with the “both/and” that is part of the Christian faith; recognizing the often painful reality of the world, while, at the same time, believing that pain, grief, death and fear are not the end of the story – hope, love and joy are what endures and gives life. May her words encourage you this Christmas Day. First Coming He did not wait till the world was ready, till men and nations were at peace. He came when the Heavens were unsteady, and prisoners cried out for release. He did not wait for the perfect time. HeRead More →

On this day when those in the northern hemisphere mark the Winter Solstice (the longest night of the year), we share this Blessing for the Longest Night, written by Jan Richardson “This week, in addition to preparing for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services, many congregations will offer a “Longest Night” or “Blue Christmas” service. Usually held on or near the Winter Solstice, this gathering provides a space for those who are having a difficult time during the holidays or simply need to acknowledge some pain or loss they are carrying in the midst of this season of celebration. For you who are offering orRead More →